506 Glover
Urbana, IL 61802
$1,175.00 per month
Spacious open layout.
2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom.
Washer and Dryer are provided.
1 car garage and a drive way.
Pets welcome with pet deposit.
Includes lawn-care, snow removal, water and trash.
211 S Sycamore #3
Villa Grove, IL 61802
$950.00 per month
Large 3 Bedroom 1 Bathroom apartment.
Washer and Dryer are provided.
and a drive way.
Pets welcome with pet deposit.
Includes lawn-care, power/gas, water, sewer and trash.
211 S Sycamore #2
Villa Grove, IL 61802
$850.00 per month
Nice 2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom apartment.
Washer and Dryer are provided.
and a drive way.
Pets welcome with pet deposit.
Includes lawn-care, snow removal, water and trash.

1105 S Philo
Urbana, IL 61802
Spacious open layout.
3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom.
Washer and Dryer are provided.
1 car garage and a drive way.
Fenced in back yard
Enclosed front porch
Pets welcome with pet deposit.
Spacious basement
Rent Champaign / T 217.328.2792 / F 217.328.2779 / Leasing@rentchampaign.com / © 2015 RENT CHAMPAIGN, LLC. All Rights Reserved